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"Future Careers for Youths"
TVET has been identified as one of the seven priority areas of SEAMEO Education Agenda for development in Southeast Asia, which were agreed at the Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers (SDEM) meeting in September 2014.
According to the 2nd High Officials Meeting (HOM) on SEA-TVET in Bali, May 2016 and the 3rd HOM on SEA-TVET in Kuala Lumpur in May 2017 highlighted the regional strategies to improve 21st skills, global competitiveness, innovative and creativity of TVET students. Besides the issues of creative industry, industry 4.0, digital careers and trends of future work were recommended to be integrated in TVET education for preparing the Southeast Asian youths with advanced knowledge and skills which are necessary for future careers in globalisation.
In response to the above regional recommendations from the high officials’ meetings, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organizations (SEAMEO) in cooperation with Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia, and SEAMEO Regional Centres has organised the online workshops for students and teachers in Southeast Asia, called “SEA Creative Cam: Future Careers for Youths” in 2018.
In 2018, the total number of 10,208 students, 2,370 teachers and 1,845 schools from 6 countries in Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and 2 countries beyond Southeast Asia (India and China), participated in the SEA Creative Camp in all 3 batches.
- To provide intermediate-advanced technical and vocational knowledge and skills in areas of advanced technology competencies, industry 4.0, and entrepreneurship for students and teachers in Southeast Asia.
- To improve ICT literacy, global competitiveness, and 21st century skills of students required for their future careers.
- To encourage creativity, and share ideas/practices and innovative projects among the participants.
- To establish career networking platforms among the specialised group of youths/students/teachers.
- Host Organisations/Sponsors:
- Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia
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- Co-organisers/Online Workshop Coordinators:
- SEAMEO Secretariat
- SEAMEO QITEP in Science
- SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics
- Universities/Polytechnics and Technical and Vocational Schools as the Workshop resource partners
- Cooperate Partners: Industry
The 4th Batch is opened the registration for high school, TVET, and university students google上网助手手机版手机 but the age of students must be between 15-23 years old from the Southeast Asian countries, namely, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Timor Leste, and Vietnam. However, the participation from other countries beyond Southeast Asia is welcomed.
Requirements for participants in the 4th Batch of SEA Creative Camp:
- Registration must be applied by a team of students with name of teachers (Please check details of each workshop for the maximum number of teachers and students in each team)
- Each school/college can send maximum of 15 teams per 1 workshop.
- 15-23 years old students who study in secondary school, non-formal education, TVET schools/colleges/ polytechnics, and universities in Southeast Asian countries.
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- Participants should be able to attend workshop through Webex online system and be able to review the sessions which the participants cannot attend.
- Since the workshops will be delivered through WEBEX Online System, it is required that the schools/institutions are able to support the IT equipment for the students to access the training classes such as Computer, wifi, speakers, web camera, head phone and so on.
- Students should have their own notebook/laptop to follow the instructions of highly technology workshops such as Game Development, AR, Software Programming, Big Data and etc.
About Workshops
- The Online Registration is opened for free for all secondary, TVET, and university students (age 15-23 years old) and teachers in Southeast Asian countries to register before the courses start.
- Participants need to register by TEAM according to the workshop’s requirements such as 1 team consisting of 2 teacher and 5 students or 1 school principal and 5 teachers, or 2 teacher and 10 students. (Please check details from each workshop)
- SEA Creative Camp’s Instructors are specialised in the workshop area who are from SEAMEO Regional Centres, Vocational Colleges, and Universities.
- The workshops will be delivered in English language through online by using WEBEX technology. The tutorial session on how to use webex will be provided to all schools registered before the training sessions start.
To download WEBEX tutorial manual, click here.
- Each online workshop will be conducted for at least 8 sessions (or 2 hours per a session), in total 16 hours for 2 months, starting in late February until April 2025. (Please check the workshop schedule from the workshop page)
- At the end of the online workshop, the teams will be given time for 3-5 weeks to develop the final project assignments according to the requirements/criteria of each workshop.
- The competitions are conducted by evaluating the project assignments submitted by the participants. The 1st ,2nd ,3rd winner will be selected by the Judging Committee of each workshop.
- Evaluation of completion is based on the final project submission. Attendance in the online course of a team is not considered.
Implementation Process of SEA Creative Camp
Prizes for the Competition
At the end of each workshop, the participants will be required to submit the final projects. The final projects will be evaluated and selected the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners. Each workshop will have the following monetary prizes.
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- 2nd Prize: USD 400 or IDR 6,000,000 for a team
- 3rd Prize: USD 300 or IDR 5,000.000 for a team
- Certificates of Recognition will be provided to all participants of the winning teams.
- Winners will be invited to participate in the Award Presentation, Sharing Session and Exhibition in a national/regional event. (To be confirmed by the sponsors)
Important Remarks:
- The monetary prizes will not be provided if the submission of final project outputs is less than 15 entries for each workshop, and the quality of final project outputs are not eligible as the winners according to the criteria. (This decision depends on the Sponsors).
- The availability of monetary prizes is also depended on the decision of the Sponsors.
- The venue for the Award Presentation is depended on the support of the sponsors. It is a subject to be confirmed
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Certificates to the winner, shortlists, and participants are provided at the end of the announcement of winners:
- Certificate of Participation (for participants who submit the final project assignments)
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- Certificate of Appreciation (for working committees, speakers, judging members, spon
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Workshop Registration
Workshop Sessions |
Final Assignments |
Certificate of Completion |
No registration fee to participate The registration should be proceeded by EACH Team (Please check details of team members of each workshop) Online Registration |
Each online workshop by using WEBEX will be conducted for at least 8 sessions (or 2 hours per a session), in total 16 hours during September-November 2018. (Please check training schedule of each workshop) |
At the end of training, each team will have about 3-5 weeks to develop a final project assignment and submit to the Workshop Coordinator for the Competition. |
Attendance of the participants in each workshop will not be considered. Certificate of Completion will be provided after receiving the final project assignment from each team. |
19 Available Online Workshops
For the 4th Batch of SEA Creative Camp, we are opening 19 Online Workshops which emphasize the emerging technologies in
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Training Schedule: April 16 - May 07 2025
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 14:00 - 16:00
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 5 Students

Training Schedule: 2 April - 26 April 2025
Every Tuesday and Friday at 13.00 -15.00
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 5 Students

Training Schedule: 1 April - 15 April 2025
Twice, Monday (1st April) and Monday
(15th April) at 18.30-20.30 (Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 5 Students

Training Schedule: 25 March – 15 April 2025
Every Monday at 13.30-15.30
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Training Schedule: 15 March - 26 April
Every Friday and 26 Tuesday (Since 4th session starts
at 09.00-10.00 hrs.) (Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 3 Teachers, 7 Students

Training Schedule: 26 March - 7 May 2025
Every Tuesday at 14.00 to 15.00
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 3 Teachers, 7 Students

Training Schedule:10 April - 10 May 2025
Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10.00 to 12.00 hrs
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 3 Teachers, 7 Students

Training Schedule: 9 May - 31 May 2025
Every Thursday and Friday at 14.00-16.00 hrs
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 5 Students

Training Schedule: 27 March - 15 May 2025
Every Wednesday and Thursday 14:00 – 16:00
(Jakarta Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 5 Students

Training Schedule: 26 March - 13 May 2025
Every Tuesday at 14.00 to 16.00
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 5 Students

Training Schedule: 7 May – 28 May 2025
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 14.00-16.00 hrs
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 3 Teachers, 5 Students

Internet of Things
Training Schedule: 26 March - 12 April 2025
Every Tuesday at 15.00 – 17.00 and
Every Friday at 15.00 – 17.00 (Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 3 Teachers, 7 Students

Mobile Application
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Twice, Monday (1st April) and Monday
(15th April) at 18.30-20.30 (Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 3 Teachers, 7 Students

Training Schedule: 28 March – 16 May 2025
Every Thursday at 14.00 to 16.00
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 1 Principle, 3 Teachers, 7 Students

Software Programming
Training Schedule: 10 May – 31 May 2025
Every Tuesday and Friday at 14.00-16.00 hrs
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 3 Teachers, 7 Students

Tourism Promotion
Training Schedule: 20 March - 24 April 2025
Wednesday at 14.00 – 16.00
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 11 Students

Training Schedule: 2 April - 30 April 2025
Every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 14.00 - 16.00
(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 7 Students

Virtual Reality
Training Schedule: 27 March - 17 April 2025
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(Bangkok Time,GMT+7)
Team Members: 2 Teachers, 5 Students

Training Schedule: 3 April – 22 May 2025
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Team Members: 1 Principal, 2 Teachers, 11 Students